If you are interested in grafting your own mangos, avocados, sapodillas or mamey & you would like to order scions from us, please fill the information below.
If you would like us to check budwood for you, you can submit a checklist, Simply select the variety from the menu and the number of scions you want for that variety, then add to the list. Don’t worry if you make a mistake ,there is an option to erase the list and start over.
For mangoes, Your list will be checked for active/swelling buds. This will potentially limit how many varieties are available, as well as the number of scions available for each variety. Therefore, if you feel you do not require swelling buds on your scions,
PLEASE LET US KNOW, by checking the box in the below field which says "I'm OK to receive dormant scions if swelling buds are unavailable" and we can make an exception for you.
Please know that there will be a $12.50 service checklist fee to have us check the list for you. This will be used towards your order and is non-refundable once we check your list, *unless* we find no available budwood from your list, in which case the $12.50 will be refunded. We require a larger deposit to check larger amounts of budwood (20 or more scions) that amounts to $1 per scion requested. In those instances You will be receiving an additional payment request for the total of your order as a deposit that must be paid before the check is conducted . No exceptions. Once we have checked your list, we will send you an invoice for the varieties which are ready.
No adjustments to your invoice will be made once we have checked the budwood.
If you do not pay the invoice by the due date, you will lose the deposit. No exceptions.
Scion Price $6.25 each.
Handling & Shipping Service rates starting at $14.75 depending on quantity, for Contiguous States & Hawaii.
Price of scions and shipping may be adjusted during season depending on changes to shipping rates.
Once we have checked your list, wait for our reply, we will send you an invoice for the varieties which are ready.
Budwood Checklist requests the deadline is until every Saturday at 1:00 pm eastern time.
We will be checking Every Sunday & sending invoices the next following days
Payment confirmation deadline is until every day Monday to Wednesday at 09:00 am eastern time.
The last day each week for payment confirmation & shipping orders is going to be Wednesday.
We are not able to change the checklist, Please do not insist. All our sales are final.
Please note you may notice a number of varieties we grow absent from the budwood request list. Some of these are currently unavailable due to the trees still flowering at the moment, or in some cases due to small canopy size or health. This list will be periodically updated as the status of some varieties change, and some names may reappear later. Please do not request by email varieties that are absent from the availability list.
We do not guarantee any full list of desired varieties and/or quantities.
Due to the nature of vegetative growth, budwood requests are very time-sensitive.
Orders should be placed as soon as notification is received that desired varieties have ready buds.
A variety marked ready may be unsuitable for grafting several days later.
Thank you for understanding.
Do not type field, just choose a variety & Quantity, then click "+" button
Fields can not be empty!
Please Choose a variety then
add quantity of scions desired, thanks.
Thanks for your budwood checklist request!